A powerful woman. Why does this sentance bring such fear and disgust to the minds of some people? A powerful woman. That sentance is often followed by the word Bitch. Why are women still being told in 2011 that they can't do this or that? Keeping women from authority and leadership I believe comes from the western Christian writings undermining the female spiritual power. Because of male dominance, especially in the west, women of power have been demonized, dehumanized and disdained. The roles of women of power have been distorted and edited out of history. Women of all cultures are now beginning to take back their power and seek out the balance of nature.
I have been told on many occasions over the years that I couldn't do a lot of things simply because of being a woman. I have been told that the upper ranks of the African Diaspora had no place for women. I disagree with both of these statements and have proven both statements wrong time and again. I have been called many things over the years such as disrespectful, invalid, a fraud. But more importantly I have also been called strong, innovative, powerful and spiritual. And those words are what make me who I am. I have been known to step outside the box. I have been known to step outside tradition. I do these things NOT out of disrespect nor to cause controversy. I do these things out of a deeply rooted belief that we as women have the ancient right to achieve spiritual growth and leadership. I do not believe that spirituality or divine help belongs to a select chosen few, nor do I believe a select chosen few have the right to dictate the spiritual growth of others. To say that any group of people can be excluded and denied a spiritual path is a violation of basic human rights. To say that women have less spiritual power than men is to deny the sacredness of life its self. Women are both the caretakers and the warriors of life.
The divine female power rules both life and death. Whenever the divine female power is not valued or given respect and equality, the balance of sacredness becomes lost in a power struggle. Women have been the keepers of the spiritual flame since the beginning of time. We are the healers, the teachers, the keepers of mysteries and the givers of life. As women we must always strive for peace and love while maintaining our warrior spirit. As a modern society, we need to bring forward once again the ancient ways of seeing and believing in the truth of the female divine. As women in a modern society we need to stand strong inside the roots of our power. I am female, I am powerful, I am spiritual and no one has the authority nor the right to take that away or try to invalidate it. I work with my spirits for the good of all. We all have a purpose and a voice in this life. As I sit here writing this I feel the love and protection of my spirits swirling around me and I know I am so much more than just the title of Palera/ Iyalorisha. My goal in life has been to run my spiritual house as my Creator and I see fit.
I believe positive change with added modern elements keeps balance and harmony. I want to remove any barriers that keep those who come to me with problems from living their best spiritual life. I wake every morning secure in the knowledge that I am living my best spiritual life. I ask all women to stand strong, stand spiritual and most of all standup for the goddess in all of us.
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